Shareholder Information


CLINUVEL does not issue stock directly to investors. Please contact a financial advisor for more information on investing.

CLINUVEL’s primary listing is on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), trading as CUV.
The Company’s shares are also traded on:

  • the Over-the-Counter (OTC) securities market in the USA, as a Level 1,
    American Depositary Receipt (ADR), under symbol CLVLY; and on
  • Börse Frankfurt, Germany, under symbol UR9.

ASX Shareholders

CLINUVEL maintains its Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) shareholder registry with Computershare. For all enquiries related to your shareholding, contact:

The Registrar
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
GPO Box 2975
(Aus) 1300 555 159
(International) +61 (0)3 9415 4062

Shareholders can access the Company’s share registry with Computershare online and perform the following tasks:

  • View Your Security Holding
  • Account Details
  • Balances
  • Communication Details
  • Change your Shareholding Record

ADR Shareholders

CLINUVEL’s stock is available as a Level I OTC traded American Depositary Receipt (ADR), sponsored by the Bank of New York Mellon, under symbol CLVLY. Each ADR of the Company is equivalent to one ordinary share of the Company, as traded on the ASX. The Bank of New York Mellon is the depositary bank.

For enquiries related to ADR ownership, contact:
BNY Mellon Shareowner Services
P.O. Box 358516
Pittsburgh, PA 15252-8516
USA (USA) 1888 BNY ADRS or – 1888 269 2377 (toll free)
(International) +1 201 680 6825
Email: [email protected]

There is also a broker sponsored Depositary Receipt (DR), traded as CLVLF, which is not company sponsored and does not involve the Bank of New York Mellon. It is the individual broker’s responsibility to ensure the DR is backed by a purchase of the ASX listed CUV share in Australia. Contact your broker for more information on investing.

UR9 Shareholders

CLINUVEL’s stock is available on Börse Frankfurt trading as UR9. 
Please contact a financial advisor and/or a broker for more information.

Financial Summary

A convenient financial summary of the Company, covering profit and loss, balance sheet and cash flow information, and key performance indicators, is accessible here

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